

Make Addictions A Thing Of The Past

Our addiction specialists at Mindworks will help you regain control and free yourself from destructive behaviour patterns.

Understanding Addictions

By way of background, addictions usually develop because either we use the addiction to help change the way we feel generally in life or because of some conditioning from our past. Either way, addiction of any sort can be incredibly debilitating.

Not only are there the direct effects of the addiction itself, such as poor health, poor finances and poor relationships but addicts often talk about the low self-esteem that goes hand in hand with failed attempts to stop. Indeed, no matter how hard they may try, even with outside help, many addicts struggle to conquer their addiction, sometimes with devastating effects.

A young man with an addiction to money, realising he has overspent and still has bills to cover.

Empower Your Recovery

We use a mix of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming to help you conquer your addiction without the need for any stress or withdrawal symptoms. As a results, you can start living the life you desire and the life you deserve, free from that old unwanted dependency.

Patient having a hypnotherapy session with their therapist, sitting on a couch.

Unlocking The Power Of The Unconscious Mind

The reason this approach is so effective in helping to treat addiction lies in the fact that addiction is a learned response of our unconscious mind. if you could consciously decide to stop your addiction, like you might consciously decide to stop doing exercise for example, you would, right?

Unfortunately, it’s usually not that simple because the roots of addiction lie in the unconscious mind. this is why addiction is something that we struggle to control consciously – indeed often it ends up controlling us, making us a slave to our specific vice.

Young man feeling overwhelmed by anxiety.

Experience Rapid Relief

Take comfort from the fact that through cognitive behavioural therapy, hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming, the cure can be extremely quick, leaving you feeling calm, confident and above all, free of addiction.

So if your addiction is finally taking too much of your life and you’re ready to quit right now, either call us for a chat, or arrange an informal, no obligation free of charge consultation. We really can help!

A young woman with a lot of thoughts in her head one of them being her addictions.
If you would like to talk to us about addictions, please call our team on 0151 706 8035 or alternatively, you can also call 07951 041 532 to make your appointment. A free consultation is available.
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Why Us

We Offer

  • Help For The Unemployed

    If you are unemployed for any financial or personal reasons then we are able to still help provide the support you need for your mental health and wellbeing.

  • Cover For Medicash

    If you are on the Medicash scheme either as a individual or as an employee of a business, we can help you.

  • Concessions To Pensioners

    As a pensioner, we provide the same level of support and options to help you with whatever issues you may be facing, at a reduced rate.

  • Support For Disabilities

    If you suffer from a disability or have a special need, our counsellors and therapists can make all the necessary arrangements to ensure you are seen to.