Smoking Aversion

Smoking Aversion

Overcome Smoking Once And For All

Mindworks can help you to stop smoking today with hypnotherapy with an easier way to give up.

Is Hypnotherapy An Effective Way Of Quitting?

One of the largest surveys of effective ways of giving up smoking concluded that for most smokers, the most effective technique for giving up smoking was hypnosis. The study, undertaken by Frank Schmidt and colleagues at the University of Iowa (reported in New Scientist vol. 136 issue 1845 – 31st October 1992) analysed the results of more than 600 independent researchers.

Young man smoking.

Breaking The Habbit

You might be thinking, how can giving up smoking possibly work? Or you may be thinking that you have tried everything else and will question why aversion is the more effective.

However, many of the clients that approach us to stop smoking have tried various other means such as nicotine patches, gum, pure willpower and as a last resort, hypnosis.

The reason hypnosis is so effective is because whilst in hypnotic rest, our subconscious becomes open to suggestion as the subconscious is the storage place for our habits and addictions. The only way we can get through to the subconscious is bypassing the conscious and hypnosis has the capability of doing just this. once we enter the subconscious we can re-programme it to dislike cigarettes so there is simply no desire or craving for them. It really is that easy!

Young woman putting cigarettes into a bin.

Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy Session

The session begins with a general introduction and explanation of hypnosis, followed by relaxation techniques to prepare you for the experience. A brief 5-minute video on smoking sets the context, after which you’ll answer short questions about your smoking habits to personalise the hypnosis. The first hypnosis session, lasting 30 minutes, focuses on creating an aversion to smoking by addressing the smell, taste and desire to smoke.

After a short break, the second 20 minute hypnosis session targets the association between smoking and ill health, embedding any fears related to smoking into your subconscious. To reinforce the session, you’ll receive two discs of the hypnotherapy sessions to use at home whenever cravings arise, allowing you to avoid the need for further sessions.

Lit cigarettes in a lung shaped ash tray to highlight the damage smoking can do to the body.
If you would like to talk to us about smoking aversion, please call our team on 0151 706 8035 or alternatively, you can also call 07951 041 532 to make your appointment. A free consultation is available.
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